Talking Shopcast with Frozen Border/Horizontal Ground

Welcome to the latest edition of our series of interviews and mixes affectionately titled Talking Shopcasts. The majority of media and fan attention gets showered on the artists who create the music we love to listen to/DJ with/dance to, and for good reasons. But without the hard work, keen ears and business savvy of label staff we might never hear these tunes at all. For our seventh edition we wanted to get the scoop on the inscrutable labels Frozen Border and Horizontal Ground. Until now we knew more about the labels’ stinging raw techno sound than who made the tracks, and for the most part that was all that mattered. Eschewing personality in favor of strict quality control has helped both Frozen Border and its more varied sibling Horizontal Ground stand out among swarms of white label imprints. Yet we couldn’t help but be curious about the thought put into such exacting operations and decided to reach out via email. The labels’ owner, Jeff, was relatively guarded but his responses shed a bit more light on one of contemporary techno’s darker corners. He was also generous enough to send us a top notch live set by Horizontal Ground artist (aka Szare), which speaks just as loudly as Jeff’s carefully chosen words.

What spurred you to launch Frozen Border?

Jeff: I don’t think we launched it, that sounds very “Show Biz.” It just began.

What about Horizontal Ground?

More of the same with a different name.

Had you run any labels before this current group?

In a sense I did run labels before, but nothing on this current level.

Do you make any of the music for FB/HG?


How many artists do you work with for your labels? Is it a close knit group or a
loose collective?

At the moment it’s 6 artists and I have never met one of them in person, so I would say it’s quite a loose collective.

When you pitched your vision for a label shrouded in relative anonymity to your artists, what were their reactions? Or was it the other way around?

No pitch, they are either in or out. All the music came from demos sent. The level of trust between us all is the thing I like the most.

These days many fans want to know more and more about the artists behind their favorite records. With this in mind, why go the other direction?

I think the answer is in the question.

Is anonymity in the music business important to you?

Not at all. I don’t think the dance music scene is even the music business (not in real terms); even at it’s most revealed it’s still really a bit of “micro fluff” on the backside of the music industry. Some DJs/producers might do well to remember that.

FB/HG’s rise coincided with a renewed artistic/public interest in austere white label records. Was this coincidence or perhaps a reaction to what was happening?

Maybe; there is some sort of honesty in it, but even that has become a bit overplayed now.

With how little information is available about your labels, I imagine every decision regarding your labels is made consciously: That in mind, is there was any reasoning behind the filled in/blank letters of the Frozen Border/Horizontal Ground names? Zen Order?

I thought all the references were obvious? Karl Regis (from Downwards) took me out into the woods one day to show me where Nico was buried; it made a deep impact so it’s all in homage to her.

What else it to come from Frozen Border/Horizontal Ground in 2010?

More quality music.

Talking Shopcast 07: Szare (69:33)


01. Musafir, “Ninderli” [Stoned Asia]
02. Szare, “Kinshasa” [Dub]
03. Szare, “Snake Cave” [Horizontal Ground]
04. Szare, “Break East” [Dub]
05. Szare, “Beatdown” [Dub]
06. Marcel Dettmann, “Kernel” [Marcel Dettmann Records]
07. Szare, “Return to Ronto” [Horizontal Ground]
08. James Ruskin, “Solution” [Blueprint]
09. Jeff Mills, “Mysterious Stars” [Third Ear]
10. Szare, “Kinshasa” (Reprise) [Dub]
11. Levon Vincent, “The Medium is the Message” [Novel Sound]
12. Szare, “Fast Changes” [Dub]
13. Samuli Kemppi, “Joiku” [Prologue]
14. Actress, “Green Gal [Werk Discs]
15. Flying Saucer Attack, “Rainstorm Blues” (Szare Remix) [Dub]
16. Szare, “Mendeleev” [Dub]
17. Szare, “2042” [Dub]
18. David Bowie, “Moss Garden” [RCA]

monatone  on May 17, 2010 at 5:39 AM

seriously good

harpomarx42  on May 17, 2010 at 11:57 AM

Who is Nico?

Nico sucked anyway  on May 17, 2010 at 1:10 PM

This interview is kind of a self-parody of the whole embodiment of the stamp-releases movement. The short, obscure answers are so cliche and predictable. Oh wait, I mean…I guess I should say, “I’m so fucking intrigued by how mysterious and ‘anti’ you are!”

In all seriousness, when it comes down to it with this pseudo anonymity bullshit, “you’re either in, or you’re out” as Jeff would say. If you’re going to sit back and rock the anonymous angle, don’t waste time with these cliched half-assed interviews and DJ mixes from various people who may or may not be associated with the label. To me, it screams “We want to be viewed as people who are anti-traditional in relation to the music industry. We don’t do promotion and we prefer to be anonymous” but it’s completely contradicted by trite crap like this interview. I call bullshit.

littlewhiteearbuds  on May 17, 2010 at 1:15 PM

“DJ mixes from various people who may or may not be associated with the label”

Szare has done two of the four Horizontal Ground releases and he made a kick ass mix with tons of his own material that’s not yet been released. We appreciate your sentiments about the interview, but those are the facts about the podcast.

Outpost Prague  on May 17, 2010 at 1:33 PM

“Nico sucked anyway”, leaving anonymous hate in response to a not-even-really-anonymous podcast is self-defeating, especially when the interview itself acknowledges that it’s all become “overplayed”.

bobby mechta  on May 17, 2010 at 7:04 PM

what a good mix!

the interview is kind of useless… you should’ve just filled the space between the questions with something like this and it would’ve made more sense:
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Iain  on May 18, 2010 at 5:25 AM

I kind of agree with Nico sucks here. Why do the interview if you have nothing to say or contribute?

If FB and HG are supposed to be ‘all about the music’ then why are they doing interviews and releasing their records with the most basic codes for artists names?

I personally would have preferred to know nothing about them, no interviews no codes, nothing. What was the point in it all? It seems to have ruined a good thing.

The answers reek of self-importance and are a huge dissapointment.

It’s a shame that LWE thought that this interview should be featured here purely down to the hype surrounding HG & FB. If you look at this interview in comparison to the Ben Frost feature on RA it’s such a waste.

The mix was the silver lining.

horiuzontalhold  on May 18, 2010 at 1:13 PM

What matters here is the mix. I personally think that most artist interviews are pointless and self-indulgent, for both the artist and interviewer. I actually find these answers refreshingly matter of fact and no-frills. Just the facts, no babbling on and on. With a lot of interviews there end up being things I don’t want to know or are too long and a waste of time. This, however, is neither.

Seriously, “who is nico?”??? You need to get out of the club more. Or get off the DJ mix website, or whatever. Sorry…

darkfloor  on May 18, 2010 at 6:43 PM

Been liking the Frozen Border releases and really enjoyed the recentish RA mix. I can see this mix getting a lot of play.

Kudos to the guys for keeping it underground, and whatever you think about and being “anti-branded” they are just letting the music do the speaking, and speak it does.

Bruce  on May 21, 2010 at 5:05 PM

What matters here is the mix. I personally think that most artist interviews are pointless and self-indulgent, for both the artist and interviewer. I actually find these answers refreshingly matter of fact and no-frills. Just the facts, no babbling on and on. With a lot of interviews there end up being things I don’t want to know or are too long and a waste of time. This, however, is neither.

Seriously, “who is nico?”??? You need to get out of the club more. Or get off the DJ mix website, or whatever. Sorry…

stephen k  on May 21, 2010 at 6:30 PM

nico rules

Just Noise  on May 26, 2010 at 6:53 AM

Great tracks but this mix is totally ruined by that awful sample of chopped vocals with the delay on it – sounds terrible and the fact that it keeps cropping up over and over again in the mix sounds seriously cheap.

Bax  on May 27, 2010 at 2:49 AM

Allow it though

horizontalhold  on June 8, 2010 at 8:15 PM

just got around to listening to this. fucking awesome. the Szare tracks are incredible, and the inclusion of something like Flying Saucer Attack shows you how fucking cool these guys are. working Flying Saucer Attack into a techno mix is something truly different and special.

Dave  on June 9, 2010 at 12:25 PM

outstanding mix :)


Tweets that mention Talking Shopcast with Frozen Border/Horizontal Ground – Little White Earbuds --  on May 16, 2010 at 12:21 AM

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ninjamixdump, ImaHouseGroupie. ImaHouseGroupie said: Talking Shopcast with Frozen Border/Horizontal Ground: Welcome to the latest edition of our series of interviews … […]

MP3 Players Accessories - review on the sony NWZ-W202 built in mp3 player headphones. - FM Transmitter - Mounting Kits & More  on May 17, 2010 at 6:24 PM

[…] Talking Shopcast with Frozen Border/Horizontal Ground – Little White Earbuds […]

De:Bug Musik » “Faceless techno bollocks” im Arena Club  on May 18, 2010 at 6:57 AM

[…] für einigen Wirbel gesorgt hat, gibt es einen weiteren seltenen Gast. Bei Little White Earbuds kann man zur Einstimmung schon mal ein kurzes (das erste überhaupt?) Interview mit dem Label-Chef […]

Tweets that mention Talking Shopcast with Frozen Border/Horizontal Ground – Little White Earbuds --  on May 18, 2010 at 11:21 AM

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by muzeic. muzeic said: Talking Shopcast with Frozen Border/Horizontal Ground […]

AnD, Horizontal Ground 09 – Little White Earbuds  on August 4, 2011 at 1:38 PM

[…] Border, that one dude with all the numbers and decimal points for a name, and their famously terse Talking Shopcast, I thought I’d had them pegged as a purest-of-pure techno label. But listening to at least […]

Szare/Alex Coulton, Mendeleev/Baraki – Little White Earbuds  on August 14, 2011 at 12:06 PM

[…] Z] After stepping out from behind Horizontal Border’s numerals to mix LWE’s Talking Shopcast 07 (to great acclaim), it’s understandable that Szare have capitalized on their newfound […]

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[…] IndustriesThe FuturistHorizontal Ground, Horizontal Ground 05[Horizontal Ground] For a minute there, it seemed like the Frozen Border/Horizontal Ground family were taking a turn for the more […]

Talking Shopcast 07: Szare is archived this week | Little White Earbuds  on January 2, 2012 at 1:07 PM

[…] a diverse blend of techno with a heavy helping of their own as-yet-unreleased material. Be sure to add it to your collection before it’s archived this Friday, January 6th. » Brandon Wilner | January 1st, 2012 […]

LWE Podcast 128: Szare | Little White Earbuds  on July 9, 2012 at 1:49 PM

[…] from the murky depths of somewhere in the Northern climes of England. Having already provided the stunning mix for our Horizontal Ground/Frozen Border Talking Shopcast episode, Little White Earbuds got back in touch with the pair to delve deep into their minds, discovering […]

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