Curator’s Cuts 03: Chris Miller

Artwork by Rayna deNiord

LWE’s Curator’s Cuts podcast series features our reviewing staff mixing together recent favorites and providing explanations for their selections. Assistant editor and writer Chris Miller steps up to the decks for Curator’s Cuts 03. We will post the tracklist later in the week, as each curator discloses and describes the tracklist as part of the podcast.

Download: Curator’s Cuts 03: Chris Miller (124:49)

01. Ben Klock, “Subzero” (Sandwell District Remix) [Ostgut Ton]
02. Silent Servant, “Discipline” [Sandwell District]
03. Santiago Salazar, “La Minoria” [Historia y Violencia]
04. Levon Vincent, “Late Night Jam” [Ostgut Ton]
05. Marcel Dettmann, “Kernel” [Marcel Dettmann Records]
06. Traversable Wormhole, “Relativistic Time Dilation” [Traversable Wormhole]
07. Donato Dozzy & Cio D’or, “Menta” (Peter van Hoesen Remix)
[Time To Express]
08. Giorgio Gigli, “Self-Reflection” [Prologue]
09. Cheap and Deep, “Words, Breaths and Pauses” (TR 808 Doom Disco Dub) [Cheap and Deep]
10. Fever Ray, “Seven” (Marcel Dettmann’s Voice in My Head Remix) [Rabid]
11. Sigha, “Untitled #2” [Hotflush]
12. Oni Ayhun, “OAR003 B” [Oni Ayhun Records]
13. Margaret Dygas, “Invisible Circles” [Perlon]
Break Moderat, “Rusty Nails” (T++ Remix) [50 Weapons]
14. Mount Kimbie, “Fifty Mile View” [Hotflush]
15. Scuba, “Speak” [Naked Lunch]
16. Martyn, “Mega Drive Generation” [Hyperdub]
17. Pearson Sound, “Wad” [Hessle Audio]
18. Dimi Angélis & Jeroen Search, “Our Life With The Wave” [Smallville]
19. John Roberts, “Relate” (RNDM K271 RMX) [Laid]
20. Pépé Bradock, “Path of Most Resistance” [Atavisme]
21. Nina Kraviz, “Your Gonna Be Mine” [Underground Quality]
22. Efdemin, “Sun” [Naïf]
23. Kassem Mosse, “Workshop 08 B2” [Workshop]
Break Moderat, “Rusty Nails” (T++ Remix) [50 Weapons]
24. Tropic of Cancer, “The Dull Age” [Downwards]

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DT  on November 23, 2009 at 1:47 PM

Very nice feature with some great tracks. Not usually a fan of Dettman and the darker/berghain side of the techno spectrum but even the inclusion of his music was good. I liked the way the mix completely switched up half way through into more “dubstep” territory. It could have been a complete juxtaposition to what came before it but instead it fitted in nicely and seemed like a natural progression.

thanks for educating me.

Joe H  on November 27, 2009 at 9:40 AM

Really enjoyed this, such a wide range of sounds mixed perfectly.

Sibonelo  on November 30, 2009 at 5:10 AM

Really like the show Chris. The broken beat/mid tempo sort of sound on your second part of the show is amazing.

Will Lynch  on November 30, 2009 at 7:43 PM

extremely badass! nice work


Tweets that mention Curator’s Cuts 03: Chris Miller – Little White Earbuds --  on November 23, 2009 at 2:49 AM

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ninjamixdump, ImaHouseGroupie. ImaHouseGroupie said: Curator’s Cuts 03: Chris Miller: LWE's Curator's Cuts podcast series features our reviewing staff mixing togeth.. […]

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