Tag Archive: king midas sound

King Midas Sound, Goodbye Girl/Earth A Kill Ya

With the announcement of Without You, a collection of remixes of the 2009 King Midas Sound album, Waiting For You, Kevin Martin’s unique vision is once again being examined.

LWE Reviews MUTEK 2010

After a few days’ rest, LWE contributor Steve Kerr submits his review of MUTEK 2010.

King Midas Sound, Dub Heavy-Hearts And Ghosts EP

Truly deserving of the tag future dub, the music created by Kevin Martin of The Bug and vocalist Roger Robinson sits somewhere to the left of dubstep entirely, occupying a cavernous chamber of otherworldly bass and washed out soul stylings. With only two original tracks to their discography, it may seem a tad early in their history to be releasing an EP of versions, though I suspect any new King Midas Sound material will be welcomed by fans ahead of their hugely anticipated debut full length.