DJ Qu’s debut album, Gymnastics, feels like a kind of manifesto, presenting his fully-formed vision of the darkest reaches of dance music across three slabs of wax or one CD.
strength music
LWE Podcast 62: DJ Qu
The dark-house don DJ Qu and I were ostensibly meeting up for an interview, but I got the distinct sense he’d be down for a lengthy chat about vinyl, house dancing, and putting his long-in-the-works album together regardless of whether the tape was rolling. Qu was also kind enough to provide us with an exclusive mix of, in his words, “Thump and vibe, in a Warrior style mentality.”
Various Artists, Semesters II
While making the rounds at my local record store Semesters II on Strength Music caught my eye, not only because of its purple marbled vinyl but because its grooves were etched with the work of Jus-Ed, Fred P and DJ Qu.
DJ Qu, For The Beneath
For The Beneath, his latest 12″ on his own Strength Music label, once again pitches that signature DJ Qu sound — dark melodies always in the service of off-kilter yet hard-hitting percussion — for the bleakest, sweatiest, most subaltern dance floors imaginable. Should you, fair record buyer, take the plunge yet again?