Tag Archive: charts

LWE 2Q Reports: Top 5 Irritating Trends in Techno

Photo by Shen Wei For our second report, LWE correspondent Todd Hutlock passionately offers his top five irritating trends marring the state of techno (and its criticism) in 2008. Musically speaking, I find a lot to love about today’s electronic dance music scene; there is a lot more good than bad going on, and I […]

LWE 2Q Reports: Top 5 Underrated Singles

“Liberty Bell” by Jeff Koons For our first report, LWE correspondent Nate DeYoung collates his top five underrated singles from the first half of 2008. With a market flooded with singles week after week, it’s only natural that a few get lost along the way. After seeing more than a couple singles released with none […]

Little White Earbuds July Charts

Chart courtesy of The Economist. 01. Shed, Shedding the Past [Ostgut Ton] In a year that’s shaping up quite nicely for techno/house albums, Shed’s long-playing debut is certain to be at the front of the pack. Internally diverse and unique among its peers, Shedding the Past truly dispenses with familiar forms (4×4 beats are a […]

Little White Earbuds June Charts

Chart courtesy of The Economist. 01. Ricardo Villalobos, “Electonic Water” [Perlon] (buy) Soon to be the subject of its own review, Villalobos’ “Vasco EP Part 1” is a stunning addition to his already vaunted discography. The rippling melodies of “Electonic Water” largely stay submerged, only occasionally rearing their heads to roar with blistering intensity at […]

Little White Earbuds May Charts

Chart courtesy of The Economist. 01. Namlook, “Subharmonic Atoms” (Pépé Bradock Bug Remix) [Macro] (buy) In case you need reminding how otherworldly talented Pépé Bradock is, check his remix of Peter Namlook’s “Subharmonic Atoms.” Announcing his composition with a dramatic swoosh, Bradock unleashes a dizzying array of prismatic tones bent, pulled and punctuated by bouncy […]

Little White Earbuds April Charts

Chart courtesy of The Economist 01. DJ Bone, “Sect 1” [Sect Records] (buy) This enigmatic three tracker defies placement in space and time, with a sound well versed in classic methods but as fresh as anything else out there. Here’s hoping whoever sent “Sect 1” to me is prepared to share its wealth with a […]

Little White Earbuds February Charts

Graphic by The Economist 01. Prosumer & Murat Tepeli, Serenity [Ostgut Tonträger] (buy CD) On Serenity, Achim and Murat deftly avoid the pitfalls of making anachronistic music while crafting stylistically faithful floor jackers. I’m enthralled with its full-bodied, Chicago-styled intonation and true emotional depth; it’s all too rare to personally identify with a house track […]